Explore the overarching story of the Bible with this primary/elementary-focused Easter Collection Lesson 1 Resources. This week's theme is understanding the plan of God, revealed through key scriptures and biblical threads of Creation, Fall, Redemption, and Restoration. Engage in activities and discussions to identify your place in God's story.
Week 1: Introduction to God’s Big Picture
• Theme: Understanding the overarching story of the Bible.
• Key Scripture: Genesis 1:26-31; John 1:1-5
• Biblical Perspective: God created a perfect world, but through sin, humanity fell; God’s
plan restores what was broken.
• Biblical Threads: Creation, Fall, Redemption, Restoration.
• Enduring Understandings: The Bible is one cohesive story with Jesus at its centre.
• Essential Questions: How does the Bible reveal God’s plan for humanity?
Knowledge and Skills:
o Students will identify major events in the biblical timeline.
o Students will articulate where they see themselves in God’s story.
• Activities:
o Overview of God’s plan: Creation, Fall, Redemption, Restoration.
o Group activity: Create a timeline of key biblical events.
o Reflection journal: "Where do I see myself in God’s story?"
This digital download contains:-
- LPDF & Doc Slides - Long (45 Slides) and Short (20 Slides)
- Genesis 1:29-31 - Colouring Sheet w/ scripture
- Adam & Eve Colouring sheet
- The Flood Colouring Sheet w/ scripture
- Reflection Activity Sheet
- Unit & Lesson Outline